Prayer Directory

Directory Image Blurred.jpg

Your Directory Options

For security reasons, we do not allow the password-protected Directory to be downloaded from this website.

Option 1 (Recommended): Create your free Member account and login to access the always-current version of the Directory. This account is also useful when you need to update your personal data, i.e., change your phone number, address, etc.

Option 2 (Highly Recommended): When you have your free Member account, consider using the extremely useful Directory App on your mobile device!

Option 3: If you need a hardcopy of the directory, contact the church office to request your copy.


Get the App!

◼︎ Get Directions, Make a Call, or Email while you’re mobile

◼︎ Fast, Simple Directory access

◼︎ You can Update your data

◼︎ Always Up-To-Date